
2024 GPTWA Water & Climate Conference

Sept. 18-19,2024

  • Arvol Looking Horse Lakota Oyate

    Natali Segovia Water Protector Legal


    Peter Capossela Overcoming Obstacles to Protect Tribal Water 

    Azmal Hossan Tribal Climate Change Adaptation Water Needs and Priorities 

    Kynser Wahwahsuck Bell & Janna Black How GPTW A Liaisons can support you 

    Natali Segovia, Doug Crow Ghost, Tim Mentz Panel on Dakota Access Pipeline 

    Reno Red Cloud & Lilias Jarding Panel on Protecting the Black Hills from Mining 

    Dr. Ranjan Datta Indigenous Community Perspectives about Climate-Water Crisis and Land-based Adaptations: A Decolonial Learning Journey

    Azmal Hossan, Dr. Rajan Datta, Faith Spotted Eagle, Doug Crow Ghost, William Crawford Workshop on Decolonizing Climate Change Adaptation Knowledge

    Tim Mentz Cultural Importance of Water 

    Nathan Edwards Updates on Mesonet stations on Tribal lands 

    Billie Kingfisher USACE Omaha District updates 

    Imtiaz Rangwala Climate Tools & Methods for Climate Adaptation 

    Crystal Stiles NIDIS Tribal Engagement Updates 

    Robert Ludgren USGS Updates 

    Faith Spotted Eagle & the Braveheart Society Yankton Sioux Cultural Bioregion and Traditional Knowledge 

2019 GPTWA Fall Water Conference

Protecting Tribal Water and Land: Vision and Planning to Adapt to a Changing Climate

Oct. 10-11, 2019