2024 GPTWA Water & Climate Conference
Sept. 18-19, 2024
Chief Arvol Looking Horse 19th Generation Keeper of the Sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe, and Spiritual Leader of the Lakota, Dakota, and Nakota Oyate, known as the Great Sioux Nation
Natali Segovia Water Protector Legal Collective
Peter Capossela Overcoming Obstacles to Protect Tribal Water
Azmal Hossan Tribal Climate Change Adaptation Water Needs and Priorities
Kynser Wahwahsuck Bell & Janna Black How GPTWA Liaisons can support you
Natali Segovia, Doug Crow Ghost, Tim Mentz Panel on Dakota Access Pipeline
Reno Red Cloud & Lilias Jarding Panel on Protecting the Black Hills from Mining
Dr. Ranjan Datta Indigenous Community Perspectives about Climate-Water Crisis and Land-based Adaptations: A Decolonial Learning Journey
Azmal Hossan, Dr. Rajan Datta, Faith Spotted Eagle, Doug Crow Ghost, William Crawford Workshop on Decolonizing Climate Change Adaptation Knowledge
Tim Mentz Cultural Importance of Water
Nathan Edwards Updates on Mesonet stations on Tribal lands
Billie Kingfisher USACE Omaha District updates
Imtiaz Rangwala Climate Tools & Methods for Climate Adaptation
Crystal Stiles NIDIS Tribal Engagement Updates
Robert Ludgren USGS Updates
Faith Spotted Eagle & the Braveheart Society Yankton Sioux Cultural Bioregion and Traditional Knowledge
2023 GPTWA Water & Climate Conference
Dec. 6-7, 2023
Wes Martel Major Issues of Federal Reserved Indian Water Right’s and Tribal Water Code Development
Reno Red Cloud & Mario Gonzalez Oglala Sioux Tribe’s Drought Adaptation Plan
Phil Two Eagle Sicangu Climate Center
Jim Grijalva Missouri River Watershed Environmental Justice Program
Joni Tobacco A Lakota Perspective on Traditional Ecological Knowledge
Peter Capossela Water Justice from the Black Hills to the Missouri River
Tim Mentz Programmatic Agreement with Department of Interior & Advisory Council Historic Preservation & Standing Rock Sioux Tribe
Kynser Wahwahsuck Support for Tribal Climate & Water Resource Managers
Crystal Stiles NIDIS Updates on Regional Drought and Tribal Engagement
Cody Knutson National Drought Mitigation Center (NDMC) Tribal Assistance
Doug Kluck Overview of the National Climate Assessment: Northern Great Plains & A Climate Outlook
Logan Kofpmann FSA Disaster Relief Program and Tribal Opportunities
Nathan Edwards SDSU Mesonet Updates
Wayne Stone Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) Updates
Jason Gildea EPA Updates + Funding Opportunities
Melissa Smith National Weather Service Updates
Taylor Gunhammer He Sapa Initiative
Chase Iron Eyes Lithium Mining in the Black Hills
James Rattling Leaf, Sr. Utilizing Indigenous Leadership to Advance Equity in a Changing Climate
Azmal Hossan Tribal Climate Adaptation Water Needs in the Great Plains
2022 GPTWA Fall Water Conference
Nov. 16-17, 2022
SD Extension Partnerships on Tribal Lands Laura Edwards
Tribal Resilience across the North Central Region Kynser Wahwahsuck
Role of NIDIS/NOAA and Tribes Molly Woloszyn
Tribal Activities and Long-term Research Planning Robert Lundgren
SD Mesonet Growth and Benefits Nathan Edwards
Rosebud Sioux Tribe Climate Change Phil Two Eagle & Robin O’Malley
EPIC- Tribal Compensatory Mitigation Mariah Black Bird-Perry
NCAI Updates and 1872 Mining Act Carolina Wasinger
Environmental Justice: GPTWA report to ACE Peter Capossela
2021 GPTWA Fall Water Conference
Oct. 6-7, 2021
Corrie Knapp National Climate Assessment
Becky Baker Overview of GPTWA Projects
Doug Kluck Climate Models
Crystal Stiles Role of NOAA/NIDIS and Tribes
Tony Krause Update on Corp projects with Tribes and Programs available
Jeff Parson, Rick Bell & Lilias Jarding Panel: Dewey Burdock and Black Hills Issues
Peter Capossela Legal Perspective
Dan West Climate Change in Indian Country
Stefan Tangen NC CASC Updates
Errol D. Crow Ghost Overview of GPTWA Initiatives and Benefits of Membership
2019 GPTWA Fall Water Conference
Oct. 10-11, 2019
Updates in Regional Tribal Adaptation Stefan Tangen
Tribal Engagement with NOAA/NIDIS Emily Bamford
Oglala Sioux Tribe Water Resources Department Reno Red Cloud
Black Hills Clean Water Alliance Lilias Jardin
National Drought Mitigation Center Cody Knutson
GPTWA and NC CASC partnership James Rattling Leaf