Your North Central Tribal Climate Resilience Liaisons

Kynser Wahwahsuck Bell & Janna Black

Learn about our services:

  • Develop climate vulnerability assessments, adaptation plans, proposals and grant applications, and implementation projects

  • Connect Tribal resource managers to data, information, and tools

  • Facilitate connections and partnerships between Tribes, TCU’s, researchers, and Tribal Organizations

  • Support coordination of Tribal workshops, meetings, and gatherings

  • Support capacity building by facilitating trainings

  • Facilitate knowledge sharing between Tribes and partners

  • Organize Tribal community education and youth engagement

  • and so much more!

Climate Resilience Resources & Information

Tribal Climate Resilience

Climate change is a threat to Indigenous lands, sovereignty, and peoples. In partnership with the North Central Climate Adaptation Science Center (NC CASC), GPTWA hosts the regional Tribal Resilience Liaisons.